Up to $2500 Off Tesla

Up to $2500 Off Tesla

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The Lactation Network connects you with insurance-covered lactation consultants to support you every step of the way.

The Lactation Network connects you with insurance-covered lactation consultants to support you every step of the way.

Buy Signal Solstad Offshore ASA - 17 feb 2025 @ 14:58 -> NOK37.72

Ticker: **SOFF.OL** ![Logo](https://www.getagraph.com/logos/SOFF.OL.png) Exchange: **OSL** Time: **17 feb 2025 @ 14:58** Price: **NOK37.72** Link: https://getagraph.com/OSL/stock/live-signals/SOFF.OL/ENG

Writing Stories

Hello guys! This is my first post on here and I just wanted to say if you are interested in reading in general but spooky things in particular I am writing on wattpad! Under the pen name Aurea Rose and I would love it if you guys would check it out and be apart of my writing journey. Wishing you all love, light, and happiness!

Exactly eight years ago, my life changed forever when I, at the age of 9, joined the Google+ community "RP HISTÓRIA ALTERNATIVA", introducing me to alternate history.

However, I have engaged in world building since I made up an imaginary country at the age of 9. I would develop lore for it intermittently until 2021 (also when I became famous online due to r/Gustavoism). Since then, I have made hundreds of friends, been insulted or harassed countless times, and banned from dozens of sites or communities for variously justifiable reasons. I have fallen in love and hate and learned many new things after that day: 17 February 2017.

Übertage zum Anschlag in München. Ich frag mich tatsächlich auch wo eine sinnvolle linke Reaktion zu islamistischen Terror ist. Weder Diskussionen über durch Russland angezettelte Anschläge noch Abschiebedebatten können da eine Antwort von uns sein.

Hardest fight of my life

Whats the most insane raid you defended as a solo on any server?

Mine: I defended my base Solo (in the middle of day in game) when a clan pulled up and began slamming my base with rockets and c4s but when night (in game) hit i put on NV and killed them of and when the raid block ended i starting to seal like theres no tomorrow. And i think that pissed them off and they left and i have only seen them on Large Oil Rig:)

kwn - worst behaviour (feat. Kehlani)

Want to expand business of Dad

I am 20 YO I don't know how to expand my dad's business. Currently it is really small of measuring instruments, sales, service and repairing. We do not have any website or anything but I want to generate more customers and more leads so that we can expand and grow. Any opensource things or free things or ideas with which I can engage and get more customers We are mumbai, maharashtra based

Baby not going back to sleep at night

Help! For past few nights 3.5 month old will wake up to eat and she pooped so I change her. Then I feed her she starts drifting asleep but then poops again so I change her. Then I try to feed her to get her sleepy again but she’s not having it. Then it will take at least a half hour for her to fall back to sleep making this whole ordeal last an hour. Last night it took her close to an hour to get her to fall asleep again so I was up for an hr and a half. It was not like this previously, she was getting really good at nursing and falling back asleep immediately. Maybe her pooping is messing with her routine and she’s up after changing her? Help?!? What else can I do?

Creative options for buying with a chain?

My husband and I have been looking to move for over a year. We are mortgage free and would use the value of the house as the deposit. It is a first time buyers home, and multiple estate agents have told us that similar properties, including ones on our street, typically sell in 4-9 days. We've bid on two properties with generous offers over (15-20%) and been beat out by chain free buyers with lower in bids. It's pretty disheartening to think we'll keep getting turned down for the same reason. We also are not about to make ourselves homeless and start paying rent to get out of the chain. Is there some other option we're missing? Any tips or suggestions? Has anyone been in a similar situation?

Does Q15:1 mean that the Quran is a clear book to understand

So the verse goes like this الٓر ۚ تِلْكَ ءَايَـٰتُ ٱلْكِتَـٰبِ وَقُرْءَانٍۢ مُّبِينٍۢ which means Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the verses of the Clear Book and the Quran (used openl) to translate this is the quran implying that it is a clear book to understand and read. Let me know your thoughts.

Allgemeinmedizinische Förderung

Hallo, ich habe nur einen thread dazu gefunden und hoffe, mich mal mit anderen auszutauschen oder mehr Informationen zu gewinnen. Ich hatte in einer beliebten Stadt als Berufsanfänger (ganz schwierige Kombi haha) einer Stelle in der inneren eine Zusage gegeben, dann wurde diese aber durch jemanden aus der elternzeit besetzt und ich stehe 2 Wochen laut ursprünglich geplantem Arbeitsbeginn blöd da. Möchte eh Allgemeinmedizin machen, habe also zum Glück etwas mehr Auswahl. Wenn da nicht das schlechte Gefühl wäre Wenn man im KH anfängt ist das ja wohl recht unaufwendig mit der Förderung und läuft über die Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft. Nun bin ich aber eventuell in der Situation nur Optionen in der Praxis zu haben und frage mich wie es da aussieht. Die Dame am Telefon des Weiterbildungsverbundes wollte sich auch nicht klar äußern. Was sind meine Pflichten, wenn ich so eine Stelle annehme, um erstmal Geld zu verdienen. Zwingen, die Facharztprüfung zu machen, kann mich ja niemand. Und Geld zurückzahlen bei geleisteter Arbeit ist ja auch komisch und sind laut Vereinbarung eher ein Problem bei nicht korrekten Gebrauch der Gelder durch die Praxis. Habt ihr damit Erfahrungen? Gibt es Personen, deren erste Stelle so ein geförderter Praxisjob war?

Stay productive and balanced with Opera Air—where mindfulness meets browsing

Stay productive and balanced with Opera Air—where mindfulness meets browsing

Soccer under💎💵Make sure to visit my YouTube channel ParanormalBets and subscribe to get all my pre match and live bets🔥

This subreddit and Dr. Charles

I understand he’s a nice character and all but you guys seem really obsessed with him. With some of the posts I’ve seen, I’m starting to think some of you might actually need a psychiatrist

Charizard Y nat dex sun team(Revised version)

[https://pokepast.es/13df56145f314106](https://pokepast.es/13df56145f314106) so I made a new revised sun team from my old one. This one has iron crown instead of volcarona and lando instead of hatterene. Crown just overall helps a lot against threats to my team like lele and mega diancie that I previously struggled with. Also acts as a good pivot and helps break walls with future sight. Lando honestly I kinda just threw him there but hes there mostly for another fogger and something to switch into more threatening fast physical attackers like mega lop, zeraora, and etc. I feel like the team isnt still the best but I did manage to get a win on a 1660 player on ladder: [Showdown!](https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-gen9nationaldex-2302438230) (replay) Any feedback on improvements to the team would be appreciated.

One luxury bag or 2-3 mid range bags?

Hi guys, I'm thinking of buying a Celine bag (been hesitating in my previous post, but decided on this one). It will be my first luxury bag, and as the purchase day approaching, I'm getting more and more anxious! I know that I worked hard to be able to afford it, and I have money to take my kid on vacation or buy something else, but more and more questions pop up in my head: Is a luxury bag still a good investment? (The main one) Isn't it better to get two or three mid-range bags that one for 2k? Will it look stupid on me (out of place), if I don't own other expensive items? Please share your thoughts on that. Thank you

Never gets old.

Wb Mega garchomp on me 195865876977 2 locals

2FT 2.6ITB Both Ndiaye and Gakpo injured any advice?

Crosspost from r/QuiverQuantitative

BREAKING: We just saw ANOTHER member of Congress buy Palantir stock

Never gets old.

Yveltal 3 locals - 310660713351

CC and metro nurses

i’m thinking about moving back to cleveland from columbus soon. do any nurses work at cleveland clinic or metro and will share the incentive pay for picking up? Also the starting pay and night/weekend differential. I currently work med surg oncology but am not sure what unit i want to work if i move. thanks!

im starving

im on day 5 and still can’t chew any solid foods because it keeps getting stuck in between the stitches (idk why so i have SO many damn stitches on the bottom) im fking starving and if i see one more jelly pot im going to puke. please give me some recommendations that don’t look like baby food 😔😔 and do not say yoghurt or soup 😭